A Gardener is described as 'A person who tends to gardens as either a profession or as a hobby.' We believe that those who choose to establish a successful career in gardening must have a deep passion for gardens, often a direct consequence of what originally began as a hobby. Marshall Harber seeks Gardeners with a genuine desire to tender and care for all styles and types of gardens, having substantial experience which supports this devotion. It is preferential for applicants to have horticultural qualifications. We require candidates to have a firm knowledge of large properties that have hosted, formal gardens and topiary, vegetable gardens, organics, herbaceous settings, woodlands, ponds, swimming pools and themed gardens. Gardeners are either commonly granted cottage-style accommodation within the property grounds or nearby. Driving machinery and heavy vehicles is essential. We aim to correlate property styles with suited Gardeners, always ensuring they have relevant previous experience and excellent references.